Category: Uncategorized

  • Remix ta chaise

    Remix your chair

    Project description

    Remix ta Chaise undertakes the recovery and reimagining of broken or end-of-life chairs.

    As part of our participation in FAB16 and Fab City Summit Montreal, we're developing an initiative for which we're inviting Fab Labs from around the world to join us in experimenting and sharing our experience at the events.

  • Visière de protection

    Protective visor

    Functional description

    The visor offered by Communautique is an augmented version based on Protohaven's open-source Proto Shield model, the laser-cut equivalent of Prusa Research 3D printers' open-source model. It will be low-cost, lightweight, adjustable, reusable and immediately available for delivery to hospitals, clinics and other front-line institutions.

  • Canari


    Project description

    Communautique, as a technology democratization organization, aims to create a space for conversation about open data, sensors and their uses. The Canari Project aims to develop practical training content for the creation and appropriation of local data to resolve urban issues such as air quality.

  • L’aquaponie, une symbiose parfaite

    Aquaponics, a perfect symbiosis

    Functional description

    For the uninitiated, aquaponics is the fusion of aquaculture and hydroponics to create an ecosystem in which three types of living being coexist: fish, bacteria and plants.

  • InMoov, le robot humanoïde

    InMoov, the humanoid robot

    Functional description

    InMoov is the first human-sized Open Source robot entirely printed in 3D. Replicable on any small 3D printer with a print area of 12x12x12cm, it is designed as a development platform for universities, laboratories and hobbyists alike. Its concept, based on sharing and community, has already been replicated for a number of projects all over the world.

  • Design Industriel

    Industrial Design

    Functional description

    Sabiduria is designed for the eco–conscious modern lifestyle.

    It gives us a better understanding of how to conserve some of our vegetables and fruits at room temperature instead of storing them in the refrigerator.



    Functional description

    Laser etchings on acrylic created by Simon Greffard as part of an art project having been exhibited on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at studioé.

  • Boites frettés, »pressfit », Projet Scout et échoFab Partyboite

    Fretted boxes, pressfit, Project Scout and echoFab Partyboite

    Functional description

    In order to refine our knowledge of laser cutting, we have made boxes, the model of which comes from BoxMaker . These boxes are assembled by pressfit, i.e. without screws, nails or glue. To get to this point, we had to measure the width of the cut made by the laser. This is 2 sheet thicknesses or 0.2 mm. Thanks to this measurement, the different pieces of wood fit together (with the help of a good pressure) and don't come apart afterwards. The project will be used to help the Les Scouts collective in their fund-raising campaign, and also as a basis for future animation projects at the lab.


  • Tests de cyanotypes

    Cyanotype testing

    Functional description

    For several years now, I've been interested in silver photography and the chemical processes that transform light into images. We're all familiar with silver salts, which have been used in silver photography for as long as photography has existed, both in film and in photography, but cyanotype is a little-known photographic technique that is very easy to produce and gives very interesting results. 

  • Art Stamp, the useless pick and place

    Art Stamp, le choix inutile

    Functional description

    The Art stamp project began with the playful intention of making a work that makes works. This commentary on the massive artistic production associated with post-pop art later took on dimensions more referential to the realm of DIY. The pick-and-place machine, now highly sophisticated, is rudimentary here, moving from an inkwell to the activator's hand.
